This Writer’s Life

This Writer’s Life in LA Parent Mag!


I’m thrilled to have an interview in the May/June issue of L.A. Parent Magazine about This Writer’s Life
 by fellow LA writer, Ronna Mandel!

You can read it right here (page 23)!

“By developing their own process and their own writer’s life, [kids] can solidify a practice that will serve them now and later by absorbing narrative components, honing writing techniques, and, perhaps most importantly, nurturing the ability to channel their feelings and experiences into creativity and stories—
a meaningful practice they can lean on their whole lives.”


Photo credit:  Rippin Sindher

this writer’s life creative advice compilation #1

In honor of 20 episodes of This Writer’s Life, a few weeks back I published a special compilation of creative advice from all of them!

One of my very favorite parts of this project is that each video features someone I admire offering a piece of creative advice for young writers. That’s why we created Creative Advice Compilation #1!

In the YouTube video, you’ll behold 20 creative advice-givers sharing their experience and wise guidance from their own process with young writers! 

My hope is that you will be as inspired as I am by every person and what they have to share. Enormous gratitude to each and every one! And links to their websites are over in the show notes on YouTube so you can find out more about them while you’re there!

Creative Writing Workshops for Kids at Makers Mess in March! *postponed*

I’m super thrilled to be offering a series of three creative writing workshops for kids at Makers Mess in Silver Lake here in LA! The coolest part? Each session is offered at two different times to fit your and your child’s schedule—Thursday afternoons or Saturday mornings! 

One of my favorite things is helping kids express and develop their unique voices and imaginations, and that’s exactly the goal of these workshops for 8 to 12-year-olds! We’ll start with the beginning, of course, crafting a character and writing the scene that starts the engine of the story. In the other two sessions, we’ll write action and comparisons, we’ll revise, and participants will get to be inspired by one another and have some writing conferencing with me as the facilitator. At the close, kid writers will get to take away a Storymap, their story(!), and a special surprise to honor their creativity and accomplishment throughout the three sessions. 

The first workshop? Thursday, March 12th or Saturday, March 14th.

All the details and sign-ups are right here!


this writer’s life is live!

I’m so excited to announce a new project I’ve been cooking up for a few months!

THIS WRITER’S LIFE: A PEEK INTO PROCESS is a YouTube series aimed at 8-12 year-olds and their classrooms.

Every episode peeks into some aspect of the writing process with tools, activities, guidance, and encouragement. Plus, each one features someone I know and admire who’ll offer a piece of advice from their own creative process! How cool is that?

My intention is to help kids develop their writing skills and confidence as they build their own writer’s life.

The most enormous thanks to Rippin Sindher for her brilliant and supportive directing and Michael J. Salter for beautiful graphics, art direction, and music because without them this project would just be an idea in my notebook. 

You are cordially invited to subscribe, share this with young writers, parents, teachers, or librarians, and to please stay tuned!

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