
online picture book revision workshop 2/26/22

I’m thrilled to offer another online picture book revision workshop, this one a special one morning event! It’s three and a half hours and it’s supportive, interactive, and will help you revise your manuscript, reflect on your writing journey, receive inspiration, and revitalize YOUR storytelling—all in one sitting! Well, there will be a few breaks sprinkled in. 

This is truly a meaningful revision method that focuses on you as a writer and your picture book manuscript in a unique way that will have a lasting impact on your story—and your vision of yourself as an artist! Writers and writer-illustrators welcome. (I use this method myself for every project.)

Saturday, February 26th, 2022

9 am Pacific (noon Eastern) to 12:30pm Pacific


You can sign up immediately via that PayPal button below (Pay $175)! If you have any questions or would like to sign up for a full scholarship—there are three available for creators with marginalized/underrepresented voices in publishing—please do drop me a line! I’d love to have you join, and those spots will go fast!

Register and pay for this workshop here ($175)!

Contact me about a full scholarship!

Within 48 hours of payment, you should get an email confirmation directly from me after I’ve had a chance to log your sign-up (please reach out if you don’t hear from me in a couple of days as that means there was a snafu). 

Here are some testimonials from past workshop series I’ve offered

that are a little different as they include four sessions and peer critiques.

Last thing! If you are part of the workshop and would like a one-hour video critique of your revision by April 15th, you can schedule with me after the event at a discount. (Critique would be $100; normally $150; critiques arranged via email.)




another picture book revision workshop!

Another round of my online picture book revision workshop is right around the corner! Starts August 7th for four special Saturday sessions to support you as you REVISE a PB manuscript according to your voice and vision, RECEIVE encouragement and inspiration from me and the small group, and REVITALIZE your writing process.

Two scholarships are available at a significant discount for creators with underrepresented/marginalized voices in publishing—your voices are vital to our field and to children.

One cool change this round is that instead of written letters after your second revision, it’ll be a more collaborative one-on-one video call to talk about feedback, buoying, and direction instead! Please email me for more info or to sign up!


And I’ve got some testimonials I’m delighted to share as well!











picture book revision workshop!

I’m so excited to be facilitating this picture book revision workshop series! It’s  going to be really special!

About the workshop series:
A series of four two-hour live, video workshop group sessions.
Each meeting will include segments with:

The goal is for you to get the support, encouragement, guidance, and camaraderie you need to revise one picture book manuscript while exploring, deepening, and energizing your voice and writing process. 

About me:
I read, write, and roller skate in Los Angeles. My first middle grade novel, Zinnia and the Bees, was published in 2017 and was a Southern California Independent Booksellers Association 2018 Book Award finalist. My debut picture book, TO MAKE, illustrated by Mags DeRoma, will be out in summer 2022 from Katherin Tegen Books/HarperCollins. I’ve blogged at This Picture Book Life for several years, delivered many professional critiques, and am the creator of the kids creative writing YouTube channel, This Writer’s Life.  

Two scholarships available for writers with underrepresented voices in publishing to take the workshop at a significant discount.
Please email me for more info or to sign up!

free online kids writing workshop!

Join me for an online creative writing workshop for kids (around 7-12 years-old)

through Studio City Library on Wednesday, June 17th!

In eight lines over eight pages, kids will create a booklet that tells a party true, partly made-up story about their shoe (or other item of clothing)!
This activity teaches narrative structure while making a zany, fun book to keep.
All kids need: a pen or pencil, one sheet of notebook or printer paper, scissors if you have some.
To sign up, simply email Lauren the librarian at!

Creative Writing Workshops for Kids at Makers Mess in March! *postponed*

I’m super thrilled to be offering a series of three creative writing workshops for kids at Makers Mess in Silver Lake here in LA! The coolest part? Each session is offered at two different times to fit your and your child’s schedule—Thursday afternoons or Saturday mornings! 

One of my favorite things is helping kids express and develop their unique voices and imaginations, and that’s exactly the goal of these workshops for 8 to 12-year-olds! We’ll start with the beginning, of course, crafting a character and writing the scene that starts the engine of the story. In the other two sessions, we’ll write action and comparisons, we’ll revise, and participants will get to be inspired by one another and have some writing conferencing with me as the facilitator. At the close, kid writers will get to take away a Storymap, their story(!), and a special surprise to honor their creativity and accomplishment throughout the three sessions. 

The first workshop? Thursday, March 12th or Saturday, March 14th.

All the details and sign-ups are right here!


nErDCamp SOCAL, July 19

I’m super excited to be part of the very first NerDCamp in Southern California this summer! If you’re a teacher, librarian, or administrator in the area (or not in the area!), registration is open now for this very special July 19th “unconference” in Torrance.

It’s a free event where educators (and some lucky kidlit creators) come together to “learn and lead” about literacy in all subjects for all students.

Here’s a sampling of some of the authors and illustrators who will be there!

In addition to networking, sessions, and book signings, there are special events at Barnes & Noble Torrance as well for readers young and grown. You’ll find me there on Saturday, July 20th at 1pm for a talk, signing, and pom-pom yarnbombing craft. Andrea J. Loney and Tara Gilboy will be there presenting their books too!

Here’s the registration link if you’d like to join!

SCBWI LA LitMingle

This Saturday, the talented and inspiring Roda Ahmed and I will be presenting on our debut publishing experience followed by a Q&A at the SCBWI LA West San Gabriel Valley LitMingle. Perfect for those curious about what happens after the book deal—all are welcome!

More info and RSVP here.

zinnia and the bees is going on the road

Zinnia, the bees, and I are traveling up the coast in August! If you’re in L.A., Portland, Seattle, or Vancouver, I truly hope to see you at one of my events!


The following links will take you to each Facebook event for more details, and to let me know if you can make it:

Skylight Books 

Green Bean Books

Third Place Books

Collage Collage


Happy summer, and hope to see you there!





Festival of Books Follow-Up

I had a total blast at the L.A. Times Festival of Books last weekend. What a thrill to be a on a middle grade panel with terrific writers I admire so very much and to give away and sign 10 advanced copies of Zinnia and the Bees.


Pictured below, clockwise from my left: Erin Entrada Kelly, Pseudonymous Bosch, Steven B. Frank, and A.S. King. This photo makes me very happy.






And here’s a quick video of me describing yarn bombing.

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